But then I started thinking. What else would I tell new students?
Keep an accurate list of everything you read. Keep it electronically, whether with software (Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote) or just a well-formatted Word list.
Even if you haven't taken notes on a book or journal article, you could make a quick note of what it was about. Even a sentence will do - it might help you later when you're trying to remember what you read, or where you read something!
Always have a notebook handy, or use Evernote on your electronic devices - or some other cloud-based document.
If you're a research student, sign up to Zetoc (http://zetoc.mimas.ac.uk/) or JournalTocs (http://www.journaltocs.ac.uk/) - "Toc" stands for Table of Contents. These services scan journal contents pages, then you get sent email alerts when new articles are published in your field. Cool, eh?
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