Library and Information Services, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Monday, 20 February 2012

Ruin lust: our love affair with decaying buildings

No, I haven't gone off my trolley! Followers of this blog will recall last week's posting alerting you to a Patter blogpost about reading widely and expanding your mind.

Read beyond your subject boundaries, Patter advises.  Go to exhibitions.  See what thoughts are triggered by unexpected connections.

So here is my suggestion: read Brian Dillon's article in the Guardian newspaper (Friday, 17th February 2012).  It's all about a London photographic exhibition, featuring atmospheric, thought-provoking photos of decayed Detroit.  Deserted stations, libraries, offices ... you'll find hyperlinks to some of the photos in the book which prompted the exhibition.

  • Why do we love ruins?  (Which makes me ask, why are we fascinated by early music?  by minstrels and bards?  by paintings and poets from the Romantic era?  by Gothic novels?)
You get my drift!  Go on - read it!

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