Library and Information Services, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

THE SCOTTISH WAY: Music education north of the border

Article by Susan Nickalls in the June issue of MUSIC TEACHER (Vol.90; No.6, 2011), pp. 26-28:-

The Scottish Way.
As England plods its way towards finalising a National Plan for Music, Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence has been putting music and the arts at the centre of learning since August last year; Susan Nickalls profiles a vibrant music education scene north of the border.
- sorry, not available online but you can read it in RSAMD Whittaker Library!

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MUSIC TEACHER -LONDON- EVANS THEN RHINEGOLD PUBLISHING- VOL 90; NUMB 6 (2011) pp. 26-28 THE SCOTTISH WAY: Music education north of the border.

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