Library and Information Services, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Welcome to the Whittaker Library

 Twittaker of the Whittaker Library
Book Box for when we're closed
Hello, and welcome!  This week we're welcoming the 2015 intake of new students - eager performers, production wizards, composers and teachers-in-waiting.

You've reached our performing arts blog, where we post interesting links about - yes, the performing arts!  We tell you about things we've obtained for the library, and share links about competitions, developing your career, and new ideas.

Don't miss your library tour - it's just a quick whirl round the library so you can see where things are, and who we are!  

We try to visit classes from time to time, too, because there's plenty of invisible stuff on offer - electronic books and journals, specialist databases and streaming services that aren't available without our premium subscriptions.  (We pay, so our students and staff can enjoy the benefits for free.)

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