Library and Information Services, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Friday, 13 February 2015

Sad, Angry, Upset, Procrastinating?

The Whittaker Library at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is adding to its stock of self-help books - bibliotherapy, you might call them.  Dr Jane Balmforth, the Conservatoire's student counsellor, recommended these titles.

Students needing a bit of support, or staff seeking to support them, may like to check our catalogue to see if there's something there to help them.  Sixteen titles and rising ...

Jane Balmforth further suggests...
If you require out of hours support please contact one of the following agencies:
  • Samaritans: 0845 790 9090
  • Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87
  • SANEline: 0845 767 8000 Open 6pm - 11pm every day
  • NHS Direct: 111
  • Your GP
  • You can access help in a crisis from your local Accident & Emergency Department (24 hours)

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