Library and Information Services, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Scottish Journal of Performance - CFP

Reminder: CALL FOR PAPERS: Scottish Journal of Performance (Volume 2, Issue 1)

"The Scottish Journal of Performance is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing both on performance in Scotland (contemporary and historical) and / or wider aspects of performance presented by scholars and reflective practitioners based in Scotland. We invite contributions from a wide and diverse community of researchers, providing opportunities for both established and early career scholars to submit work. We encourage a wide range of research methods and approaches, including practice-led research and practice as research. Possible submission formats include audio and video recordings with commentary, practitioner reports, reflective journals and scholarly articles."


Deadline for submissions: 27 June 2014
Publication date: December 2014

Please see the SJoP website ( for further details and the full Call for Papers.

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