Monday, 24 April 2017

Discuss Scottish Music Research with Musica Scotica

Did you miss Musica Scotica 2017?

You missed a great event! But you can still talk about Scottish music with fellow researchers, whether you study ancient or avant-garde music.


JiscMail offers the facility to set up discussion lists about education or research interests on a particular topic, carried out by email. Correspondents generally have some connection with higher education, but this is not compulsory. There's now a list for sharing information about education or research interests in Scottish music, and the groupname is MusicaScotica.
  • What is JiscMail? Visit 
  • How  do I subscribe? You'll find instructions at the FAQ for Subscribers page:  Basically, you either visit the JiscMail homepage and choose MusicaScotica from there, or send an email to with the following command in the subject line, substituting your own name:-  SUBSCRIBE MUSICA SCOTICA YOURFIRSTNAME YOURLASTNAME
  • Can I use institutional access? Certainly. If you're in a British HE institution, you can use institutional access (Shibboleth), as you would with most electronic resources.
  • You'll find Netiquette suggestions towards the bottom of the FAQ page. (Basically, keep it relevant, be polite, and remember this is a public list for sharing information about education or research interests in Scottish music.) 

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