Thursday, 2 March 2017

Creative Scotland - Funding and Encouragement for the Arts


If you're still a student, you may feel that arts funding is a step ahead of where you're currently at.  But in this modern age, we all need to know how and where to access funding, in the future if not today.  So this is really worth reading.


Creative Scotland's February Newsletter might provide you with food for thought, sparking off ideas for similar or even radically different projects that might attract funding.  There is truly so much going on that you may not even be aware of.  Exciting times.

Read it here.

Meanwhile, one of the news items is directly relevant to our students:- 'Volunteers aged 14-23 sought to join the National Youth Arts Advisory Group.'  Click the link above, to see what that's about.  Wouldn't it be great to have some of our creative community involved?

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