Thursday, 30 May 2013

Copyright, Photocopying, UK Music and Musicians

Colleagues in IAML (UK and Ireland) advise us that 'the Music Publishers’ Association has recently published a revised Code of Fair Practice, which is available on its website here:'

This summary comes from Claire Kidwell, the Chair of the IAML(UK and Ireland) Trade and Copyright Committee, with thanks:-

"The salient changes are as follows:

•The terms ‘copy’ and ‘copies’ have been clarified as meaning ‘any form of graphic reproduction of a printed music publication as well as the transcribing of music notation’ (see page 6)

•In consultation with the various music performance exam boards and the British & International Federation of Festivals, a permission has been added that enables copies to be made for adjudicators and performance examiners (provided the performer has legitimately obtained his/her copy) (see point 10, page 8)

•In consultation with the British Dyslexia Association, a permission has been added that enables a copy to be made by, or on behalf of, a person with dyslexia or any other type of reading impairment (provided the individual has legitimately obtained his/her copy) (see point 11, page 8)

These positive developments [...] have already been gratefully received by many librarians and library users.

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