Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Sunny day, blue sky - not yet the 'Last rose of summer'

Super-searching to save time

Just when we were thinking Scotland's summer was over, here it is.  What's that strange brightness in the sky?  Sun!  And - is the sky really that blue?

Here's a catalogue searching tip to bring you down to earth:

Use the advanced search function to search for an exact phrase.  Like, well, Last rose of summer, Thomas Moore's famous song from Moore's Irish Melodies.  (Now immortalised as a Last Night of the Proms favourite, of course.)

The exact phrase function is just like Google's quotation marks search.  You could do that in our catalogue, too - "Last rose of summer".

Et voila, lots of songs and recordings, just like that.  You can also limit by collection to restrict the results to one or the other.  Include the limit in your advanced search, or do it once you've got some results.

Here's another one - "Last night of the Proms"Vintage results!

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