Friday, 4 March 2011

Love Scottish Libraries

Don't let Scottish libraries suffer unfair cuts! In particular, if you've ever made use of your local public library, you may want to join in this campaign, organised by CILIPS - the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland. Read all about it:-
As you may be aware, CILIP in Scotland has been working on a campaign to support and promote libraries in these times of budget cuts. A central part of our strategy will be the new Love Scottish Libraries website which is now online. The site features an online petition and a “have your say” section, which lets users post comments of support about libraries. We aim to use the website to demonstrate the support for libraries within our communities to policymakers and politicians. We’d be really grateful if you could start the ball rolling by signing the petition or adding a comment here The site will be officially launched and promoted in the next few days ... so please feel free to pass this on to anyone else who may be interested.
"Whittaker" - alias CILIP Fellow Karen McAulay - is keen to endorse this campaign.

1 comment:

  1. "Whittaker" has now posted on the 'Have your say' comments pages. Towards the end of the page, as at today. (9th March 2011)
