Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Jazz quotes from Tommy Smith

The leader of our jazz course here at RSAMD thought you might enjoy these jazz quotes:- Quotes from the Road - Europa Jazz, Le Mans, France

    • "We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." (Decca in response to the Beatles, 1962)
    • "Art Blakey continued as an ambassador, defender and professor right up until just shortly after his death at age 71 on October 16, 1990 (he had a gig already scheduled for the 18th, and Art was nothing if not dependable)." (Genius Guide to Jazz)
    • "Music is the vernacular of the human soul." (Geoffrey Latham )
    • "Boxing is like jazz, the better it is, the less people appreciate it." (George Foreman)
    • "The history of a people are found in its songs." (George Jelline)

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