Thursday, 3 April 2008

'The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black, Black Oil

Looking for live Scottish music! Lindsay Thorburn is an MA Arts in Social Contexts student, and she is planning a cultural event. She is directing a production of John McGrath's play 'The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black, Black Oil' as part of Ayrshire's Burn's an' a' That annual festival. She needs musicians! Read on:- "The play requires live Scottish music and could be played by one or more musicians using a variety of instruments. Many of the songs are prescribed however, rehearsals are in the early stages so I'm open to creative interpretation! Rehearsals will be in Ayr and unfortunately there is no money available for expenses or pay however, you would get the opportunity to showcase your talents in a different format! I am looking for reliable and creative individuals to get involved and will be holding a production meeting shortly to discuss the project further. If you are interested please email me on l.thorburn at or my academy email address. " (To evade spammers, Lindsay's email address has deliberately been altered. You can work this out!)

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